A collaborative project between Peter Smith and Celia Smith

Social Inequality

Artist Statement

Social inequality occurs when individuals within a population are not given an equal chance to pursue their dreams. A young child may be denied a good education, a family’s main income provider is unable to access transportation to a potential job or an expectant mother does not have access to appropriate health care.

A country’s use of resources and/or its political will is discriminating, may be isolating and leaving vulnerable communities and ethnic minorities on the edges of society to fend as best they can.

The symbols of injustice are portrayed through images of urban decay.

Continuing to raise awareness of social inequality as a photographer is my contribution in a hope that those who have the power to effect change will be inspired to make a difference.

Peter Smith


“In the last few decades, inequality has increased everywhere in the world.” (World Inequality Report, 2018)


Social Inequality - the existence of unequal opportunities within a group or society.

Urban Decay - is the process whereby a previously functioning city, or part of a city, falls into disrepair, deterioration or ruin.