Day 222|14-15

Artwork of the day

Thanks to the lads at Shaq Mall for helping set up this shot - run the perfume gauntlet if you dare.

The Perfume Gaulent

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 221|14-15

Artwork of the day

The Local Garage

The Local Garage

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 220|14-15

Artwork of the day

The Butcher

The Butcher

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 218|14-15

Artwork of the day

What's the Story

What's the Story

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 217|14-15

Artwork of the day

The Old and new fishing fleet

The Old and new fishing fleet

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 216|14-15

Artwork of the day

Kuwait Dhow

Kuwait Dhow

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 215|14-15

Artwork of the day

Take the 30 North, turn left onto the 6th and just before you get to the 50 you will see Kuwait's 360 Mall.

Bring the big wallet as this is just full of the best the world has to offer.

360 Mall - Kuwait

360 Mall - Kuwait

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 214|14-15

Artwork of the day

The Fishmonger

The Fishmonger

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 213|14-15

Artwork of the day

A little ray of colour can play an important part in all our lives.  Sports, politics, business.

Or you could have a favourite colour and everything you want is that Colour.

What's yours, mine's Orange :-)

For the Photographers note the RGB which is how we get our colour.

A little bit of colour

A little bit of colour

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 212|14-15

Artwork of the day

I just love this image. There is such a story here. Although a modest store it is beautifully presented and he sits proudly waiting for his next customer is his white coat.  I can only guess that he has been doing this for many, many years.

Be proud at what every you do, and do it the best as you can. Every day!



All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 211|14-15

Artwork of the day

Friday - washing day in Kuwait

Friday - washing day in Kuwait

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 210|14-15

Artwork of the day

These major power lines are everywhere in Kuwait

These major power lines are everywhere in Kuwait

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 209|14-15

Artwork of the day

Dubai International Aitport

Dubai International Aitport

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 207|14-15

Artwork of the day



All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 206|14-15

First image posted from Kuwait

Brisbane Sleeper I
Brisbane Sleeper II

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 205|14-15

Artwork of the day

Fly verses Scorpion

Fly verses Scopion

Fly verses Scopion

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 204|14-15

Artwork of the day

Packing for the Middle East

Packing for the Middle East

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150

Day 203|14-15

Artwork of the day

The Spout

The Spout

The Spout

All images in 'Artwork of the Day' are available as open editions, printed on A4 Canson Fine Art paper for $150